Wednesday 13 October 2010

Evaluation-Betty Comic Strip Trailer

To begin our preliminary task, we got a handheld digital camera with a tripod which enabled us to film the screen with steady precision. We were able to create our short film with several camera movements such as zooms and pans. We planned to film the screen and got our original comic strip and separated it up into different parts. We worked on publisher and placed each separate clip on a black background to prepare to film. Once we have gathered our clips we used the computer programme Adobe Premiere to edit the clips, this helped us as we could cut the clips in the appropriate places. We then added different transitions to help the strip run smoothly. Lastly, we recorded voice over’s and added them over the top killing the sound in the background of the original clips. We put the camera in front of us so that our voices could be heard clearly. After finishing the clip I uploaded the clip to YouTube by going through a number of stages on Premiere. By using Premiere we learnt skills that could be translated into our coursework such as editing the clips.

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