Thursday 18 November 2010


When filming out soap trailer i intend to use 2 different cameras, a stills to get images of the differing scenes and a video camera in HD to get quailty film that will work well within  the trailer. We will use a tripod to hold a steady shot when needed and then we will use handheld shots such as over the shoulder to give a range of angles.

Monday 15 November 2010

Locational Pictures

These are the places in and around college that i intend to use as locations for different narratitives of the trailer. I will have a range of shots going through the trailer and these places will work to pull off the different shots. The images show that we will use 2 exterior shots and 6 interior shots this will gove us a range of different lights and

Creating a Soap Trailer

To begin forming my own version of a soap trailer i firstly look at pre-exsisting products that would give ,e help into what mine end products should look like. i would like for my trailer to take place in a school so the setting of the college is ideal. I will be using TV Dramas such as Waterloo Road and Eastenders E20 as comparsion products.

After looking at Waterloo road i have been give the ideas of many narratives that i can follow such as a drug scene, general college life and relationship issues. I would like to hit a target audience of college students so i will be changing the setting to a college one rather than a school one. This means that i will also have access to actors and will be able to put them in situations that may arise in there daily lives.

Costume: I would like the actors to be in things that there character would normally wear so Jake may be in more chavvy clothes than say Kelly whom of which may be more upper class. This will give the audience an impression of what that characters are like without them actually getting to know there personality.

Location: We would like our trailer to be shot in and around the college buildings, we will used a number of different locations such as the canteen, a classroom and on the exterior.These will enable our audience to establish what kind of show they will be watching.

Props: We will not be using many props as the actors are our main prop. We will use marking materials such as essays for Mr Stevens to mark also we will have some cling film filled with sugar with some money for a drug scene.

Actors/ Actresses: The people we will be using are from our college and have studies drama or theatre studies at a previous time. we will use costume to enable us to make there charachters lifestyle more prominent. Mr Stevens will be in more smarter dress of a teacher as it will portray to the audience a sense of power.

Monday 8 November 2010

We created this video by using the same shots as the original from Waterloo Road, we began the scene by with an low angle two shot on the stairs with the two charcrters conversing. The scene then moved to an over the shoulder shot which is common in soaps as it shows the reaction on there faces. We filmed the scene in a stairwell of the college as this is where the original scene took place. We took into account the light from windows as it showed the viewer the time of day. During the editing of our video we created quick cuts between each scene and began and ended the shots with a black screen.

Scene from Waterloo Road